Agri-Video- channel with educational and informational videos for agribusiness – Neksigol Navovar

1 Own Digital Solutions for AgricultureYouTube video channel

Agri-Video- channel with educational and informational videos for agribusiness

Agri-Video is a YouTube video channel with educational and informational videos on the production and processing of agricultural products. The video materials cover themes such as arable crops, pest and disease control, animal husbandry, beekeeping, and food safety.

Type Digital Solution
Organization Neksigol Group and AgroInformAsia LTD
Organization Type Consortium of partners
Country / Territory Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan
Location Khujand, Bishkek
Implemented in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan
Use case Agricultural extension and advisory services
Domain Plant health and production; Livestock, animal health and production; Beekeeping; Soil management; Water management; Food Safety
Description Agri-Video is a YouTube video channel with educational and informational videos on the production and processing of agricultural products. The video materials cover themes such as arable crops, pest and disease control, animal husbandry, beekeeping, and food safety.
Since 2016
Maturity Proven (Scale-up)
In partnership No
Technology Broadcasting service (TV, radio)
Technology description The agri-videos are made available via The YouTube video hosting service. Thus, the videos can be accessed by anyone through computers, tablets and smartphones. The video materials are available in Tajik, Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages.
Users Smallholder farms; Medium-size farms; Large-size farms; Private sector (other businesses); Civil society organizations (NGOs, local action groups)
Users’ description The users of the video channel are different stakeholders in the agriculture sector.
Business model Open source; Fully free; Advertising
Business model description The video channel is open to users without limitations. Although, in-app advertising is implemented in the videos through Google Ads.
Challenges There are very limited videos in Tajik language in the channel.
Food Value Chain stage Production; Processing
Impact Assisting farmers in calculation of the required quantities of seeds, fertilizers and irrigation water, the agri-calculators can prevent excessive and unnecessary use, if it will be combined with timely application. This helps farmers to significantly reduce their production costs and increase their profit, while at the same time reducing the impact of their agricultural activities on the environment.
There are more than 3 000 users of the tool per year.
SDGs SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth; SDG 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
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